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AAPD | About AAPDIts 11,000 members put children first in everything they do, and at the highest standards of ethics and patient safety. Pediatric dentists provide care to millions of our nation s infants, children, adolescents, and pers
AAPD | Join AAPDHome > About > About AAPD
AAPD | Get InvolvedBecome a member of an AAPD Council or Committee and make a difference in pediatric dentistry.
AAPD | States and DistrictsMany members of the AAPD also belong to their own state chapter. Not all states have their own websites, but those that do are listed ahead.
AAPD | Latest NewsIn addition to keeping our members up-to-date on what s happening within the academy, AAPD works hard to ensure that the integrity, expertise, and devotion of pediatric dentistry are actively included in mainstream media
AAPD | Find A PDHome > Publications
AAPD | Residency ProgramsThe two-year pediatric dentistry residency program, started after graduation from dental school, immerses dentists in scientific study and clinical experience. The trainee learns advanced diagnostic and surgical procedur
AAPD | Resources OverviewHome > Resources
AAPD | DisclaimerAdditional information is available exclusively to AAPD member dentists who successfully login to AAPD s Members Only section.
AAPD | Find A PDHome > Publications
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